my photo
warsaw, poland 🇵🇱
void about_me()
Hey! I’m Krzysztof Wójtowicz, a web developer, currently studying Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology. When I’m not coding, I enjoy running and orienteering — navigating both complex terrains and intricate code with the same drive for discovery.
char* skills[]
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mapple screenshots
Social media web app designed for orienteering enthusiasts. It allows users to share their maps and tracks with other runners, making it easier to explore, analyze, and discuss different routes and experiences.
tech = {"react.js", "tailwind css", "node.js", "express.js", "mongodb", "cloudinary"}
drone_cone screenshots
DroneCone's official website, built with modern web technologies for a fast, interactive, and visually stunning experience.
tech = {"next.js", "tailwind css", "framer motion", "resend api"}
playlist_pal screenshots
PlaylistPal is my personal project, built to explore the integration of Spotify's Web API while delivering a seamless way for users to generate personalized playlists based on their favorite songs and artists.
tech = {"next.js", "tailwind css", "gsap", "spotify web api"}